GoXplore Sweden AB i konkurs

Updated the 20th of July 2020.

GoXplore Sweden AB has filed for bankruptcy

Unfortunately, after 19 years of helping Swedish travellers see the world, GoXplore Sweden AB was forced to file for bankruptcy on Friday the 10th of July 2020 due to the meltdown in the travel industry caused by Covid-19.

All our booked customers have received information via email on how to proceed with their existing bookings with us, with help from our lawfirm.

If you have a booked journey

We are sorry, but your trip will no longer be happening. The lawyers that have taken over will get in touch with you regarding your options.

If you are owed money

We are sorry, but we are no longer in control of our bank accounts. The lawyers that have taken over will get in touch with you regarding your options.

GoXplore Sweden AB was a member of the Swedish Travel Guarantee, so any amounts covered by the package travel laws will be dealt with by them.

If you have not yet booked

We are not able to reply to your emails at this time. We recommend you wait and see what happens and contact any travel operators still in business after covid-19 has properly blown over some time in 2021.

Take Care for now,
The Team at GoXplore

Detta blev publicerat lördag 11 april 2020 kl 18:04

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